
Friday, February 03, 2006

# Like A Hurricane 
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Neil Young 由六十年代玩到家下都仲有新野玩, 可謂乜都玩齊.
以前唔係特別鍾意聽佢, 硬係覺得佢把聲好似唐老鴨咁同D 音樂唔夾!(即係好似碧咸把聲咁)
但近來抄返以前load 落既歌黎聽, 又發覺越聽越有味道.

音樂係表達自己情感, 一定要有好歌喉咩?
聽返Neil Young 晌所謂Grunge 教父時候既歌, 咁硬既石(hard rock), 嘈到拆天但又會佩一把唐老鴨聲, 反而又會覺得好真實, 好有激情喎, 吹唔脹!!

最近狂聽Neil Young, 多左去聽佢D 民歌, 亦都好岩聽! 不過講到最鍾意都係大路野Like A Hurricane.
D 結他係真係好似D 風咁, 我每次楂車聽時都好似睇外國果D 追風者咁, 好爽!

Like A Hurricane

Once I thought I saw you
in a crowded hazy bar,
Dancing on the light
from star to star.
Far across the moonbeam
I know that's who you are,
I saw your brown eyes
turning once to fire.

You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye.
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer
where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but
I'm getting blown away.

I am just a dreamer,
but you are just a dream,
You could have been
anyone to me.
Before that moment
you touched my lips
That perfect feeling
when time just slips
Away between us
on our foggy trip.

You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye.
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer
where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but
I'm getting blown away.

You are just a dreamer,
and I am just a dream.
You could have been
anyone to me.
Before that moment
you touched my lips
That perfect feeling
when time just slips
Away between us
on our foggy trip.

You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye.
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer
where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but
I'm getting blown away.